Operation Safe Driver Week

Photo credit: fmcsa.dot.gov

“Operation Safe Driver Week” starts this Sunday across the country.  Washington State Patrol troopers will be paying close attention to all vehicles, including big rigs, that are exhibiting signs of unsafe driving.

National Safety Campaign for Auto Accident Prevention & Education.

Operation Safe Driver Week is part of a national awareness week that is being promoted by law enforcement agencies across North America, in hopes of heightening the public’s safety awareness by drawing attention to unsafe driving behaviors.  Warnings and citations will be given out to commercial vehicles, and passengers vehicles alike, as unsafe driving behaviors are recognized.

State troopers will be looking specifically for:

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Failing to wear a seat belt
  • Traveling too close
  • Improper lane changes
  • Failing to obey traffic lights and signs.  View Washington State’s Patrol Media Release

Promoting Safe Driving to Reduce Number of Auto Accidents

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Administration started the Operation Safe Driver campaign in 2007 to help reduce the number of crashes, deaths and injuries resulting from unsafe driving behaviors. Safe Driver Week is sponsored in partnership with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and supported by multiple industry and transportation safety organizations.

Reduce Auto Accidents with Safety Behavior

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) crash causation studies identify driver behavior as the critical reason for more than 88% of large truck crashes and 93% of passenger vehicle crashes.

From data collected by over 3,000 law enforcement personnel during last year’s Operation Safe Driver campaign, 56.7 percent of commercial motor vehicle drivers were cited or warned about state or local moving violations, while speeding (39.4 percent) was the leading offense among passenger vehicle drivers. Operation safe driver week runs from Oct. 15th-Oct. 21st, 2017.

Improving safe driving behavior will reduce the number of crashes and fatalities on the road. Sharing the road should be a safety priority for every driver.

Check out these Tips for Driving Safely Around Large Trucks or Buses.

We’re Here to Help

If you or a loved one has been hurt or injured in a auto accident through no fault of your own, contact Fielding Law Group today for a free consultation. Don’t let an accident wreck YOU!