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Driver Died at Auto Accident Scene Following Medical Emergency
Pasco police are investigating a fatal crash that left a houseful of destruction in its wake and the driver dead. A 47-year-old man was driving a 2005 Dodge Ram pickup truck northbound on Convention near the Fairchild Cinemas, when he veered off the road and drove through a field, gaining speed. The truck then crossed Sandifur, missing oncoming cars, careening straight through a six foot tall brick wall, across a backyard, and right into the back wall of a 2-story house. After plowing through the home, the truck came to a halt on the opposite end of the house.
Luckily, the 16-year-old boy who was home at the time is okay. There is so much damage to the house that Code Enforcement declared it unsafe to live in.
Investigators say it is possible that the man suffered a medical emergency while the truck was in motion. Unfortunately, the driver died upon arriving at the local hospital.
Who’s Liable in a Sudden Medical Emergency Auto Accident?
Chronic diseases have become the national “norm” with high prevalence rates among Americans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2005, 133 million Americans lived with at least one chronic condition. Consequently, there is a growing concern related to risks associated with driving for people with known medical conditions. However, the association between having a chronic medical condition and being involved in a motor vehicle crash remains controversial.
In Washington, it can be difficult to hold a driver claiming sudden medical emergency liable for damages and fault. Their loss of consciousness and inability to control the vehicle may not be chargeable as negligence. For example, a driver may have no history of heart issues and suddenly experiences a heart attack while driving. This can make insurance claims and restitution difficult. On the contrary, it is easier to establish cause and liability for a medical emergency involving negligence. For instance, if a diabetic individual passes out from not maintaining their blood sugar or neglecting to take their medications.
Drivers with arteriosclerotic and hypertensive disease show significantly higher crash rates than their healthier comparison group. Similar studies show that people who have hypertension, diabetes, and epilepsy also have increased chances for causing a crash or collision. Knowing these risks should give drivers a reason to pause and think about their culpability and responsibility before getting behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Our Auto Accident Lawyers Are Here to Help After a Car Accident Caused By a Medical Emergency
If you suffered a medical emergency and caused an accident, it’s important that you notify your insurance company immediately. You should also consult a physician to determine what caused the medical emergency, and find out if it’s safe and reasonable to continue driving.
And if you have been involved in an accident that was caused by someone claiming a black out or sudden medical emergency, now would be a great time to talk to an experienced attorney at Fielding Law Group, to make sure your rights are protected. Remember–Don’t let an accident wreck YOU!