Working with a Yakima Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

When it comes to a motorcycle accident, you may feel burdened by everything you need to take care of – all while dealing with physical injuries. There are deadlines you need to meet, bills to be paid, and maybe even some work days you will need to miss. At Fielding Law Group, our attorneys are here to lift some of that burden to give you peace of mind.

Fielding Law Group attorneys specialize in personal injury and auto accidents in Seattle, Tacoma, Kennewick, Yakima, Moses Lake, and Boise. Our team of lawyers have over 50 years total experience and understand the specifics of legal doctrine for proper representation. Various factors will play a role in your case, and you want an attorney you can trust. Consult with a lawyer specialized in motorcycle accident cases in Washington or Idaho to properly protect your rights.

motorcycle accidentWhy Have a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Deal with the Insurance Companies?

Trying to understand laws surrounding comparative negligence can be a bit overwhelming. Unfortunately, insurance companies will use this legal defense to reduce liability of the person who caused the accident. They will do this by arguing that the injured person was partially responsible for their own injuries. On top of that, insurance adjusters will also contact you during your recovery period to talk about your accident. They have ways of asking questions to draw out certain answers from you that will help them to avoid liability when possible.

This is why having an attorney on your side who will communicate with the insurance companies is important. An experience attorney will know the questions to ask and is familiar with the tricks insurance companies will try to use against you. An attorney will work to recover fair damages for your injuries and support you during the process. They will be there to answer any questions you may have and represent you at their best.

Our experienced motorcycle and auto accident attorneys know both federal and state laws to defend your case.motorcycle accident checklist

Checklist Before Beginning a Motorcycle Accident Claim:

  • Case Review: A lawyer from our team will provide you with a breakdown of your case so you understand the process of filing a claim
  • Gather Evidence: You and your lawyer will collect any evidence, such as photographs of the accident, medical records, and/or expert testimony
  • Establish liability/fault by the other party
  • Case begins once medical treatment from the accident ends
  • Lawyer battles insurance companies

Settlement for your Personal Injury & Motorcycle Accident Case:

After the insurance company evaluates your case, our motorcycle accident attorneys will negotiate the monetary value for a favorable settlement. Our attorneys will identify value for your damages. This includes loss of wages, pain and suffering, medical bills, damages, and emotional distress. In the event that your settlement is rejected, our lawyers will provide you with steps to move forward with the litigation process.

Our personal injury and auto accident attorneys have experience with various cases and will be there for you every step of the way. Our team of experts have recovered over $35 million and want to take care of you as well. Contact Fielding Law Group’s Yakima office to talk to an attorney to get your free case review.

Fielding Law Group understands you need good communication for peace of mind as you recover. Our personal injury attorneys at one of our six locations will work your case and regularly update you on your claim’s status. Ensuring that you are comfortable and happy with your experience at Fielding Law Group is important to us. That’s why we don’t get paid unless you win, to alleviate additional financial burdens.