Distracted Driving
According the CDC,
Nine people in the United States are killed every day in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver
Distracted driving is doing another activity that takes the driver’s attention away from driving. Distracted driving can increase the chance of a motor vehicle crash.
There are 3 types of driving distractions
Anything that takes your attention away from driving can be a distraction. Sending a text message, talking on a cell phone, using a navigation system, and eating while driving are a few examples of distracted driving. Any of these distractions can endanger you, your passengers, and others on the road.
The three main types of distraction:
Visual: taking your eyes off the road
Manual: taking your hands off the wheel
Cognitive: taking your mind off driving
Distracted driving impacts thousands of Americans each year
In the United States, over 3,100 people were killed and about 424,000 were injured in crashes involving a distracted driver in 2019.
About 1 in 5 of the people who died in crashes involving a distracted driver in 2019 were not in vehicles―they were walking, riding their bikes, or otherwise outside a vehicle.
You can visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website for more information on how data on motor vehicle crash deaths are collected and the limitations of distracted driving data.
Some groups are more at risk for distracted driving
Young adult and teen drivers
Among fatal crashes involving distracted drivers in the U.S. in 2019:
A higher percentage of drivers ages 15–20 were distracted than drivers age 21 and older.
Among these younger drivers, 9% of them were distracted at the time of the crash.
A 2019 survey of U.S. high school students found:
39% of high school students who drove in the past 30 days texted or emailed while driving on at least one of those days.
Texting or emailing while driving was more common among older students than younger students and more common among White students (44%) than Black (30%) or Hispanic students (35%).
Texting or emailing while driving was as common among students whose grades were mostly As or Bs as among students with mostly Cs, Ds, or Fs.
Students who texted or emailed while driving were also more likely to report other transportation risk behaviors. They were:
more likely to not always wear a seat belt
more likely to ride with a driver who had been drinking alcohol
more likely to drive after drinking alcohol.
How to Prevent Distracted Driving
What drivers can do
Do not multitask while driving. Whether it’s adjusting your mirrors, selecting music, eating, making a phone call, or reading a text or email―do it before or after your trip, not during.
You can use apps to help you avoid cell phone use while driving. Consider trying an app to reduce distractions while driving.
What passengers can do
Speak up if you are a passenger in a car with a distracted driver. Ask the driver to focus on driving.
Reduce distractions for the driver by assisting with navigation or other tasks.
What parents can do
Talk to your teen or young adult about the rules and responsibilities involved in driving. Share stories and statistics related to teen/young adult drivers and distracted driving.
Remind them driving is a skill that requires the driver’s full attention.
Emphasize that texts and phone calls can wait until arriving at a destination.
Familiarize yourself with your state’s graduated driver licensing system and enforce its guidelines for your teen.
Know your state’s laws on distracted driving. Many states have novice driver provisions in their distracted driving laws. Talk with your teen about the consequences of distracted driving and make yourself and your teen aware of your state’s penalties for talking or texting while driving.
Set consequences for distracted driving. Fill out CDC’s Parent-Teen Driving Agreement together to begin a safe driving discussion and set your family’s rules of the road. Your family’s rules of the road can be stricter than your state’s law. You can also use these simple and effective ways to get involved with your teen’s driving: Parents Are the Key.
Set an example by keeping your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel while driving.
Learn more: visit NHTSA’s website on safe teen driving.
Understanding the Dangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving
Many distractions exist while driving, but cell phones are a top distraction because so many drivers use them for long periods of time each day. Almost everyone has seen a driver distracted by a cell phone, but when you are the one distracted, you often don't realize that driver is you.
New technology in vehicles is causing us to become more distracted behind the wheel than ever before. Fifty-three percent of drivers believe if manufacturers put "infotainment" dashboards and hands-free technology in vehicles, they must be safe. With some state laws focusing on handheld bans, many drivers honestly believe they are making the safe choice by using a hands-free device. But in fact, these technologies distract our brains and continue to distract us long after we've used them.
Make no mistake: This multitasking technology is about convenience, not safety.