auto accident attorneyWorking with an Auto Accident Lawyer

Auto accidents come in a variety of forms, including pedestrian accidents, commercial truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and car accidents. Depending on the type of automobile accident you or your loved one were involved in, the case difficulty will vary. Ultimately, each case is unique and requires a thorough understanding of specific legal doctrine for proper representation. Dealing with the laws surrounding comparative negligence and statute of limitations can be difficult, yet are highly important. Consult with a lawyer specialized in auto accident cases in Washington to properly protected your rights.

Why Have an Auto Accident Attorney Deal with the Insurance Companies?

Sadly, insurance companies hire individuals experienced in lowering the claims brought to them. A qualified lawyer will battle the insurance company for you when they raise common arguments and defenses in an attempt to shift blame on you for the accident. They may blame a prior medical condition, claim you are at fault for part of the crash, and may even try to drag the case out past the statute of limitation or window of opportunity to prosecute. A Renton attorney knows both the Washington state and federal laws when you don’t to defend your case.

Checklist Before Beginning an Auto Accident Claim in Renton, Washington

  1. Legal Support: A lawyer can provide you with an understanding of your case.
  2. Deadlines: Understand the critical deadlines.
  3. Evidence: Gather evidence and investigate the case.
  4. Fault: Establish liability/fault by the other party.
  5. Written Notices: Provide written notice to the defendants. Send letters to insurance, health insurance, at fault insurance companies, etc.
  6. Medically Stationary: Your case will begin once medical treatment from the accident has ended.

Settlement for Your Auto & Personal Injury Accident Case

Once the insurance companies evaluate your case, your auto accident lawyer will negotiate the monetary value to reach a favorable settlement. Fielding Law Group’s attorneys have experience in identifying value for your damages, including pain and suffering. An auto accident attorney can offer assistance with the obligations of repaying medical expenses and health insurance liens out of the potential settlement. In the event the settlement is rejected, your lawyer will provide you with the pros and cons of moving forward through the litigation process.

If you suffered monetary loss resulting from an auto accident caused by a party at fault, you deserve compensation for damages, pain, injuries, and lost wages. Click here to start your free case review or to connect with the nearest Washington office near you.

Fielding Law Group

Fielding Law Group understands you need good communication for peace of mind as you recover. Our personal injury attorneys at one of our six locations will work your case and regularly update you on your claim’s status. Ensuring that you are comfortable and happy with your experience at Fielding Law Group is important to us. That’s why we don’t get paid unless you win, to alleviate additional financial burdens.